
Showing posts from March, 2018


NOWRUZ is the name of the Iranian New Year. Also known as the Persian New Year which is celeberated worldwide by Iranians along with some other ethnolinguistic groups as the beginning of the New Year. This HAFT-SEEN tabletop on top of this page is ours in 97. Because of that our daughter _ Aylin- my wife couldn't put it on ground. Tomarrow early in the morning we will go to Ahvaz. Our trip maybe taked us 5 days or afew days more.


This is Aylin. She is my daughter. My wife and I love her. And we're happy with her. But what do you think of this picture and above subject- ZALAH-? This unruly offend her mom. One of them is that she turn off oven when my wife is cooking our foods. So sometimes after half an hour my wife thinks that water on oven is boiling but when she go and check it find that is cold and oven is off!. There are a few days while my wife is useing a way to stop it. This way is showed in below picture.   These red gloves are in order to scare her and when she saw it for first time said -ZALEH!!!-. ZALEH is a word that means fear in our native language. I wasn't agree with this way so I started to reconcile Aylin with gloves. Finally Aylin and me won. And my wife way failed. In below picture you can see it.